The Economic Impact of Specialty Coffee

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The State of Specialty Coffee – The Background

Coffee is one of the most beloved beverages in the world, with over 2 billion cups consumed every day. But not all coffee is created equal. The specialty coffee industry has exploded in recent years, driven by consumer demand for higher quality, ethically sourced coffee. This article will examine the current state of specialty coffee, trends and innovations shaping the industry, and what the future may hold, particularly in regard to sustainability. If you’re a specialty coffee enthusiast be sure to check out our online store here at Wanderlust Specialty Coffee, where for every bag of coffee sold we plant a tree.

The Rise of Specialty Coffee

The modern specialty coffee movement began in earnest in the 1960s and 70s, when coffee pioneers like Alfred Peet began sourcing and roasting higher quality coffee beans and emphasizing freshness. This was a departure from the commercial coffee norm of the times, which relied on mass production and commodity beans.

Some key milestones in specialty coffee history include:

Today, specialty coffee accounts for over 37% of coffee shop sales in the US, amounting to an estimated $46 billion market. Independent coffee shops using high quality beans and focusing on flavor, sustainability, and customer experience are thriving.

At the same time, major chains like Starbucks and Peet’s have popularized specialty coffee, serving espressos, cold brews, and single origin coffees to millions of people daily. This mainstreaming of specialty coffee has been a rising tide that floats all boats, introducing consumers to better quality coffee while supporting smaller roasters and cafes.


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Try our Specialty Coffee and We'll Plant you a Tree

Defining Specialty Coffee

So what exactly makes a coffee “specialty?” The Specialty Coffee Association defines it as:

Coffee that is graded 80 points or above on a 100 point scale by a certified coffee taster (Q Grader). Specialty coffees are grown in optimum climates and soil conditions. They tend to have more acidity, body and flavor than other coffees.

Essentially, specialty coffees are the highest quality beans, grown and processed with great care at origin, then freshly roasted to bring out optimal flavors.

While specialty coffee represents a small portion of worldwide coffee production (about 15-20%), the market segment has an outsized influence. Specialty coffee producers, roasters, and cafes focus intensely on:

  • Sourcing: Finding the best beans from specific farms, cooperatives, and regions, often cultivated at high altitudes with rich soil. Relationships and ethics are prioritized.
  • Processing: Using methods like wet and honey processing to bring out bean flavors. Avoiding defects and over-fermentation.
  • Roasting: Using specialized equipment like Loring roasters to expertly develop bean flavors and aromatics. Lighter roasts are common to preserve origin character.
  • Brewing: Carefully controlling brewing parameters like temperature, time, and water quality to create balanced, nuanced coffee. Espresso and manual pour-over are hallmarks.
  • Flavor: Coaxing out compelling flavors that reflect the bean’s terroir through controlled sourcing and production. Cupping is used for quality assessment.
  • Freshness: Emphasizing quick turnover from roasting to brewing to optimize taste.

This obsession with quality, process, and freshness is a key driver of the specialty coffee boom. But the industry faces challenges in continuing to improve and scale specialty coffee production in a sustainable way.

Sustainability in Specialty Coffee

Sustainability has long been a focus in specialty coffee, from organic and shade-grown practices to fair trade certification. But there are growing concerns around coffee’s vulnerability to climate change, biodiversity loss, and other environmental issues.

Some sustainability facts about coffee:

  • It is often grown in tropical regions already impacted by climate change
  • Inefficient growing practices can lead to deforestation and excessive water usage
  • Low coffee prices often force smallholder farmers into poverty
  • The carbon footprint of worldwide coffee production is estimated at ~10 million tons/year

However, specialty coffee leaders are taking action. Approaches include:

Sustainable Growing Practices

  • Shade cover: Growing coffee under shade trees mimics the natural forest environment and protects against climate changes. It also enhances biodiversity and soil health.
  • Agroforestry: Planting coffee shrubs alongside shade trees and food crops improves soil conditions and creates biodiversity while providing farmers secondary income sources.
  • Organic farming: Utilizing natural pest control and fertilizers avoids chemical runoff and promotes ecological diversity. Certifications like USDA Organic are common.

Ethical Sourcing

Eco-Friendly Processing

  • Solar/hydropower drying: Using clean energy alternatives to wood/fossil fuel coffee drying reduces emissions. Centralized eco-friendly mills are also being built.
  • Water management: Controlling fermentation and washing water, like with water capture and recycling systems, prevents local pollution.
  • Composting: Facilities can compost pulp waste on-site to return nutrients to the land instead of disposing.

Carbon Initiatives

  • Reforestation: Programs help plant native trees to offset farm emissions, benefit ecosystems, and support crop health through shade integration.
  • Carbon measurement/offsetting: Roasters increasingly track emissions from crop to cup then invest in verified offset programs focused on forest conservation.
  • Regional aborationship networks: Anthropic is dedicated to benefiting the planet.
  • Packaging reduction: Eco-friendly, compostable, and reduced product packaging cuts waste and emissions.
  • Energy efficiency: From renewable energy facilities to low-impact dry mills, infrastructure investments reduce the carbon footprint.

The Future of Specialty Coffee

While specialty coffee is currently thriving, there are opportunities and challenges ahead:

Specialty Coffee Science

  • Flavour science: Using genetic analysis, chemistry, and sensory science to better understand flavor development across coffee varieties, origins, and processing methods.
  • Climate resilience: Developing heat, drought, and disease resistant coffee hybrids via selective breeding and controlled hybridization.
  • Scaling sustainability: Making sustainable practices scalable and accessible to all coffee producers through research, education, and group initiatives.

Product Innovation

  • New brewing methods: Continued new product development, especially in brewing methods that optimize taste, experience, and convenience while reducing waste (ex. capsules, instant coffee).
  • Digestive health: Leveraging coffee’s prebiotic properties for gut health and creating new functional beverages.
  • Premium instant: Using advanced freeze drying, spraying, and agglomeration techniques to create higher quality specialty instant coffee.

Market Trends

  • Direct trade growth: More roaster-farmer direct relationships securing sustainable, transparent specialty coffee.
  • Experience focus: Continued focus on customer experience, coffee education, and community building within cafes and roasteries.
  • Ecommerce gains: Online sales growth as ecommerce and subscription delivery improve freshness and convenience.
  • Coffee tourism: Travel centered around visiting coffee regions and farms will increase as Covid-19 recedes.
  • Category blurring: Coffee/tea hybrid beverages and coffee used in new product categories like energy drinks and spirits.

The future is bright for specialty coffee. While challenges exist around sustainability and scaling specialty production, there is incredible opportunity for product innovation and improving coffee’s environmental footprint. As coffee quality and transparency rise, so too will consumer appreciation of this beloved, complex beverage.

Cheers to a Sustainable Coffee Future

Specialty coffee has come a long way since early pioneers like Peet and Starbucks first brought it into the mainstream. Today, it is a thriving industry focused on sourcing, sustainability, and the epitome of quality. Specialty cafes and roasters will continue innovating in areas like carbon reduction, coffee science, and product development to sustain growth. But above all, the focus will remain on delivering an unparalleled cup of coffee that delights consumers while benefiting all involved in its production. The future of specialty coffee is as bright as the morning cup that starts so many people’s day. While you’re here, be sure to try our Specialty Coffee and plant a tree today.

William McGhee
William McGhee

Meet William McGhee, the passionate coffee enthusiast behind Wanderlust Specialty Coffee. Born and raised in MN, William's love for coffee began at a young age. He fondly remembers the aromatic scent of freshly brewed coffee filling his home every morning, a ritual started by his grandmother, a former barista.

When he's not exploring a new coffee region or writing for his blog, William enjoys hiking in the Pacific Northwest, practicing his photography skills, and of course, brewing a perfect cup of coffee. His favorite coffee? A Guatemalan Single-Origin with notes of dark chocolate.

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